goatir's project: 24-Hour Comic Day

Here you can check out the artwork I made for 24-Hour Comic day in 2020 and 2021 :) Perhaps I'll get around doing another sometime.

what is 24-Hour Comic day?

24-Hour Comic day is a yearly art challenge where you draw a comic about your day in 24 hours, possibly by hour and on february first.

Click on the images below to take a closer look and read their description:

<h2>2021</h2>Description from the original toyhouse upload: ‘hourly comic 2021 <:D
the video i watched was a review of lady and the tramp 2 haha‘ <h2>2020</h2>Description from the original toyhouse upload: ‘hourly comic day from 2020! i drew this like?? apparently in july? but the notes were from february
i painted the teletubbies while watching a retrospective of all the god of war games im not 100% sure <a href=https://youtu.be/apX3q5PCrQQ?si=gkLlKNgoXTl59J8p target=_blank>the one im linking</a> is the right one tho‘ I have linked the teletubbie drawings I was working on below. Last major work i did for art school before quitting.
<h2>2020 artschool project</h2> feat. Tinkie Winkie from Teletubbie <h2>2020 artschool project</h2> feat. TInkie Winkie from Teletubbie