goatir's end of the year highlights

Here I have gathered some of the images Ive drawn this year that I liked most of each month. Check out the deviantart version too! It also includes links to previous end of the year memes I did.

Click on the images below to take a closer look and read their description:

<h2>january</h2> feat. my persona Goat/Patrick <br /> This is the year I turned all my sonas into vampires so i thought this was a perfect way to start off. The sea in the background is based on a pink salt lake I went swimming in spain once.<br /> Anyway <a href=https://www.deviantart.com/goatir/art/513-936737660 target=_blank>look at this other drawing I made of Patrick</a> this is based off and which I like more but was drawn 2022. <h2>february </h2> ‘or ur angel‘ feat. my oc Waldemar.<br /> This piece belongs with another one, you can look at it <a href=https://www.deviantart.com/goatir/art/i-can-be-ur-dwil-949426571 target=_blank>over here</a>!. <h2>march</h2> feat. my fursona Jacky <br /> This was the promo image I drew for my new youtube. I wasnt very happy with it at first but its has grown on me. Oh also go follow <a href=https://www.youtube.com/@goatir target=_blank >my new youtuber channel</a> lol. <h2>april</h2> feat. my fursona Jacky <br /> Once again another Jacky portrait, complementary to <a href=https://www.deviantart.com/goatir/art/467-931582923 target=_blank>this piece</a>. <h2>may</h2> feat. my oc Rex <br /> I was figuring out how I want to redesign Rex, this was one of the picutres to help me figure that out :) <h2>june</h2> feat. my characters Sebastian, Petal and Rim<br /> Pridemonth! I drew my sonas and multiple characters with their respective prideflags. This one was one of my favorites to draw. <h2>july</h2>feat. my oc Rex<br /> Im cheating a bit with putting her here. Her reference took multiple months for some reason, and it still isnt finished! But yeah, heres Rex :D Shes a very old character of mine and was created alongside Patrick as a human that can turn into an animal. Her shapeshift animal used to be a giraffe haha thats where all the spots originate from. <h2>august</h2> feat. <a href=https://www.deviantart.com/chibichubster target=_blank >chibichubster</a>'s oc Nikau<br /> Once again this picture was drawn in july but only uploaded to deviantart in august so its going here hah! This was one of the pieces I drew for 2023 artfight. I choose this one cuz of the vibrant colors and the cheeky pose. You can find more on <a href=https://artfight.net/~Goatir target=_blank>my artfight profile</a>. <h2>september</h2>‘Big Dipper Pack‘ <br />I got inspired after looking at the stars with my family for a bit. We were at a friend of my mom which has the perfect star-watching house. <h2>october</h2> feat. my oc Prinz and my friends <a href=https://www.youtube.com/@StudioSnake376 target=_blank>Snake</a> oc Jack<br /> This is my favorite piece from Oc-tober. You can look at all my Oc-tober work <a href=2023_oc-tober.html target=_blank>over here</a>. <h2>november</h2> feat. my oc Ritter <br /> I wasnt doing so hot in november so I felt like venting through Ritter. edgyy! <br/> the songs mentioned are <a href=https://youtu.be/mMtWvyOhfrM?si=KcORRb7sy8l3_XLU target=_blank >Essig auf Zucker</a> by Mine and (i will come back to this in case i remember lol) <h2>december</h2> feat. my fursona Fee <br /> Them! I also included some markings inspired of a very old pre-internet character of mine haha.